Katia Macedo email & phone information | Consultant (2013-07-01 - Now)

Katia Macedo
Consultant (2013-07-01 - Now)
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Katia Macedo jobs:
Consultant (2013-07-01 - Now)
Business Consultant, Operations in Casa Cool Beans (2010-02 - 2013-07)
Consultant in Inter-American Development Bank (2008-11 - 2009-12)
Training Coordinator, Human_Resources, Employee_Development in The World Bank (1996-12 - 2008-03)
Project Assistant in Small And Medium Enterprise Ifc (1998-01 - 2000-06)
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Katia Macedo contact information:
2k******@f*********.com + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
Other profiles
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