Kenia Souza email & phone information | Professora Substituta Na Face And Ufmg, Education, Professor in Ufmg (2015-10 - Now)

Kenia Souza
Professora Substituta Na Face And Ufmg, Education, Professor in Ufmg (2015-10 - Now)
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Kenia Souza jobs:
Professora Substituta Na Face And Ufmg, Education, Professor in Ufmg (2015-10 - Now)
Adjunct Professor - Ufpr, Education, Professor in Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais
Phd Candidate in Cedeplar (2011-03 - 2015-02)
Visiting Scholar in University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign (2013-05 - 2014-04)
Mestranda Em Economia Aplicada in Universidade Federal De Juiz De Fora (2009-03 - 2011-03)
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Kenia Souza contact information:
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