Kurt Spero email & phone information | Partner, Coo, Cfo, Chief Creative Officer, Design, Product_Design in Old Farm Partners (2018-08 - Now)

Kurt Spero (54 years old)
Partner, Coo, Cfo, Chief Creative Officer, Design, Product_Design in Old Farm Partners (2018-08 - Now)
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Kurt Spero jobs:
Partner, Coo, Cfo, Chief Creative Officer, Design, Product_Design in Old Farm Partners (2018-08 - Now)
Chief Operating Officer, Operations in Citrine Capital Management (2015-02 - 2018-07)
Founding Partner, Chief Operating Officer And Head Of Business Development, Sales, Business_Development in Real Economy Capital, Llc (2014-05 - 2014-12)
Chief Operations Officer, Operations in Galtere (2009-02 - 2014-05)
Chief Financial Officer, Finance in Tgra Capital Management (2006 - 2009)
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Kurt Spero locations:
B'Chatham, New Jersey'
Nj, Chatham, *** Washington Ave
**.*******, -**.*******
B'Rumson, New Jersey'
New York, New York, United States
Kurt Spero contact information:
2+19*******62 + 1 more
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