Kuuga 邓子麟 Tang email & phone information | È Ç Ç Å Producer, Media in 南方银谷科技有限公司 Southern Galaxy Valley (2016-03 - Now)

Kuuga 邓子麟 Tang
È Ç Ç Å Producer, Media in 南方银谷科技有限公司 Southern Galaxy Valley (2016-03 - Now)
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Kuuga 邓子麟 Tang jobs:
È Ç Ç Å Producer, Media in 南方银谷科技有限公司 Southern Galaxy Valley (2016-03 - Now)
É ¹Ç Ä Ä Project Executive in Marcom-China Consulting (2015-06 - 2016-02)
È Ç Ç¼ Ⱦ Director in 广州地铁电视传媒有限公司 Guangzhou Metro Tv Media (2014-05 - 2015-04)
Å È É Å Ç Ç Sales Manager, Sales, Accounts in 广州金东实业有限公司 Jindong Garment Manufacture (2010-10 - 2012-04)
Å È É Å Ç Ç Sales Manager, Sales, Accounts in 广州奥力津无纺布有限公司 Guangzhou Fabric Origin Nonwovwn Fabric (2010-10 - 2012-04)
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Kuuga 邓子麟 Tang contact information:
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