Kwabena Mpiani Mintah email & phone information | It Audit Lead And Management Consultant, Engineering, Information_Technology in Lance Edwards Franco (2005-10 - Now)

Kwabena Mpiani Mintah
It Audit Lead And Management Consultant, Engineering, Information_Technology in Lance Edwards Franco (2005-10 - Now)
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Kwabena Mpiani Mintah jobs:
It Audit Lead And Management Consultant, Engineering, Information_Technology in Lance Edwards Franco (2005-10 - Now)
Chief Executive Officer in Rapidlink Investments (2012-04 - Now)
It Audit And Assurance Officer, Engineering, Information_Technology in Surrey County Council (2002-05 - 2005-09)
Finance Manager, Finance in Iss Group (1995-07 - 2002-10)
Trainee Accountant, Finance, Accounting in Berger&Berger Chartered Accountants (1991-06 - 1995-06)
Kwabena Mpiani Mintah contact information:
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