Kwame Adu email & phone information | Assistant Front Office Manager, Operations, Office_Management in Kempinski Hotels

Kwame Adu
Assistant Front Office Manager, Operations, Office_Management in Kempinski Hotels
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Kwame Adu jobs:
Assistant Front Office Manager, Operations, Office_Management in Kempinski Hotels
Sales Executive, Sales, Accounts in Kempinski Gold Coast City Hotel (2015-08 - Now)
Sales Executive, Sales, Accounts in Kempinski Gold Coast City Hotel
Front Desk Executive And Reservations in Villa Monticello Boutique Hotel (2013-12 - 2015-08)
Front Office Executive in Villa Monticello Boutique Hotel (2013-11 - 2015-08)
+ 3 more
Kwame Adu contact information:
2k********@y****.com + 1 more
3linkedin + 2 more
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