Kwangnyun Kim email & phone information | Procurement Specialist in Samsung Electronics America (2011-06 - Now)

Kwangnyun Kim (43 years old)
Procurement Specialist in Samsung Electronics America (2011-06 - Now)
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Kwangnyun Kim jobs:
Procurement Specialist in Samsung Electronics America (2011-06 - Now)
President in One Twenty-Seven (2017 - Now)
Student In Biblical Counseling in The Master'S College (2009-08 - Now)
Director in Samsung
Owner | Director Of Client Care in Always Best Care Senior Services Of South San Diego (2017 - Now)
+ 16 more
Kwangnyun Kim locations:
United States, California, Los Angeles
United States, California, Los Angeles
United States, Texas, Dallas
United States, Texas, Round Rock
New York, New York, United States
+ 16 more
Kwangnyun Kim contact information:
2+18*******39 + 1 more
6k@s*********.com + 5 more
13linkedin + 12 more
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