Kyle Vassilopoulos email & phone information | General Manager in Cowfish And Lander Brewing (2013-10 - Now)

Kyle Vassilopoulos (44 years old)
General Manager in Cowfish And Lander Brewing (2013-10 - Now)
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Kyle Vassilopoulos jobs:
General Manager in Cowfish And Lander Brewing (2013-10 - Now)
Head Chef in Notch Peak Ranch (2012-05 - 2013-09)
Head Chef in Sola Cafe (2011-04 - 2012-04)
Sous Chef in The Emerson Grill (2010-10 - 2011-04)
Chef in Mountain Sky Guest Ranch (2010-04 - 2010-10)
+ 3 more
Kyle Vassilopoulos locations:
***** ***Nd Avenue Ct E
Po Box ***, Three Forks Mt *****-****
Lander, Wyoming, United States
United States, Montana, Bozeman
Kyle Vassilopoulos contact information:
2+14*******16 + 1 more
3k*******@y****.com + 2 more
3linkedin + 2 more
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