Kylee Kay Holden email & phone information | Brand Community Manager in Teampeople

Kylee Kay Holden (33 years old)
Brand Community Manager in Teampeople
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Kylee Kay Holden jobs:
Brand Community Manager in Teampeople
Intel Ai Social Media Marketing Manager, Marketing, Content_Marketing in Intel Corporation (2017-01 - 2020-03)
Data Center And Thought Leadership Social Media Marketing Manager, Marketing, Content_Marketing in Intel Corporation (2016-11 - 2017-01)
Youth Soccer Coach -U14 Girls in Nevada Elite Futbol Club (2015-01 - 2016-11)
Business Development, Sales, Business_Development in Sierra Family Pharmacies (2015-08 - 2016-11)
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Kylee Kay Holden locations:
United States, Nevada, Las Vegas
United States, Oregon, Portland
*** Tarn Way
United States, Oregon, Portland
United States, Nevada, Reno
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Kylee Kay Holden contact information:
4+17*******71 + 3 more
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