Kym Shearman email & phone information | Co-Owner With Matthew Shearman in Lunarworx (2007-01 - Now)

Kym Shearman
Co-Owner With Matthew Shearman in Lunarworx (2007-01 - Now)
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Kym Shearman jobs:
Co-Owner With Matthew Shearman in Lunarworx (2007-01 - Now)
Technical Director in Scvi Charter School (2015-07 - 2018-06)
Sales Associate, Sales, Accounts in Grapheex (2006 - 2009)
Production Manager, Media in Hollywood Athletic Club (1996-05 - 1998-11)
Production Director, Media in Merv Griffin Productions (1996 - 1997)
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Kym Shearman locations:
Los Angeles, California, United States
***** Live Oak Rd Ste A, Castaic Ca *****-****
***** Lexington Dr, Val Verde Ca *****-****
Kym Shearman contact information:
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