Kyndra Palinkas email & phone information | Marketing And Publicity Assistant, Marketing in Netflix

Kyndra Palinkas (69 years old)
Marketing And Publicity Assistant, Marketing in Netflix
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Kyndra Palinkas jobs:
Marketing And Publicity Assistant, Marketing in Netflix
On-Set Vfx Assistant: Â Wonder Woman 1984Â in Warner Bros. Entertainment Group Of Companies (2018-06 - 2018-07)
Set Production Assistant: Â Untitled Avengers Movieâ, Media in Marvel Studios (2017-10 - 2018-01)
Associate Manager in Under Armour (2012-04-01 - 2017-10)
Set Production Assistant: Â Ant-Man And The Waspâ 2Nd Unit, Media in Marvel Studios (2017-09 - 2017-10)
+ 2 more
Kyndra Palinkas locations:
Mi, Howell, **** N Burkhart Rd
United States, Michigan, Howell
United States, Georgia, Atlanta
**** Oakbrooke Ln Apt *, Howell Mi *****-****
United States, Michigan, Howell
+ 4 more
Kyndra Palinkas contact information:
2+15*******37 + 1 more
2t******.********@a**.com + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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