Kyrahm Installations email & phone information | Finalista

Kyrahm Installations
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Kyrahm Installations jobs:
Creatrice Ed Organizzatrice Di Eventi Sulla Performance Art, Curatore Indipendente Per Artisti, Design in Teatri Musei Gallerie Festival Internazionali Club Underground (2006 - Now)
Artista Concettuale: Pittura, Installazioni, Videoarte, Body Art, Media, Video in Musei Gallerie (2000 - Now)
Performance Artist, Autrice, Regista in Museums And Art Galleries (2006 - Now)
Webmaster, Blogger, Diffusione Capillare On Line News, Media, Journalism in Libero Professionista (2006 - 2011)
Kyrahm Installations contact information:
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