Kyril Negoda email & phone information | User Interface And Visual Designer, Design, Graphic_Design in Connectpoint (2014-09 - Now)

Kyril Negoda (37 years old)
User Interface And Visual Designer, Design, Graphic_Design in Connectpoint (2014-09 - Now)
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Kyril Negoda jobs:
User Interface And Visual Designer, Design, Graphic_Design in Connectpoint (2014-09 - Now)
Senior Information Designer And Cartographer, Design in Chk America, Inc. - Customer Information Solutions For Public Transit (2014-07 - Now)
Graphic Designer, Design, Graphic_Design in City Of Edina (2013 - 2014-07)
Google Map Maker Advocate in Google (2009 - 2012)
Kyril Negoda locations:
United States, Minnesota, Saint Bonifacius
United States, Wisconsin, Dodgeville
Santa Barbara, California, United States
United States, California, Santa Barbara
United States, California, Santa Barbara
+ 7 more
Kyril Negoda contact information:
3+16*******58 + 2 more
2k******@c*********.com + 1 more
11vk + 10 more
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