Kyrylo Vynogradov email & phone information | Front-End Developer, Engineering in Techmates Group (Tmg.Io) (2019-09 - Now)

Kyrylo Vynogradov (43 years old)
Front-End Developer, Engineering in Techmates Group (Tmg.Io) (2019-09 - Now)
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Kyrylo Vynogradov jobs:
Front-End Developer, Engineering in Techmates Group (Tmg.Io) (2019-09 - Now)
Creative Director, Design, Product_Design in Dopamine Production (2008-09-01 - 2019-09)
Vj And Dj And Motion Graphic Designer, Design, Graphic_Design in Kosmos Ehp (2008-09-01 - 2019-09)
Vj And Designer, Design in Boombox (2008-09 - 2016-09)
Head Of Department in State Center Of Information Security (2001-09 - 2008-09)
Kyrylo Vynogradov locations:
Ukraine, Kyiv, Depot №**: Prov. Novopechers'Kyj
Kyrylo Vynogradov contact information:
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