N Denise Ferber email & phone information | Retired I.T Director For Nc Dhhs Facilities, Health, Nursing in Cascade Street (2018-07 - Now)

N Denise Ferber (72 years old)
Retired I.T Director For Nc Dhhs Facilities, Health, Nursing in Cascade Street (2018-07 - Now)
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N Denise Ferber jobs:
Retired I.T Director For Nc Dhhs Facilities, Health, Nursing in Cascade Street (2018-07 - Now)
Purchasing Officer I - Dhhs, Finance, Accounting
Purchasing Officer I, Finance, Accounting in Dhhs Broughton Hospital (2005-08 - Now)
Business Analyst, Operations in Broughton Hospital (2018-12 - Now)
I.T Manager, Engineering, Information_Technology in J Iverson Riddle Developmental Center (2012-02 - 2017-12)
+ 3 more
N Denise Ferber locations:
United States, North Carolina, Morganton
Nc, Valdese, **** Colonial St Sw
*** Ross St Apt B, Morganton, Nc
*** E Meeting St, Morganton, Nc
*** E Concord St
+ 4 more
N Denise Ferber contact information:
3+18*******11 + 2 more
4p***.*******@n*****.net + 3 more
4linkedin + 3 more
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