N Josef Nassif email & phone information | Lighting Designer And Daylight Expert, Design in Reflexion Ag

N Josef Nassif
Lighting Designer And Daylight Expert, Design in Reflexion Ag
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N Josef Nassif jobs:
Lighting Designer And Daylight Expert, Design in Reflexion Ag
Guest Lecturer, Education, Professor in Hochschule Wismar - Fakultät Für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (2018-03 - Now)
Lighting Designer, Design in Deck61° (2015-05 - 2017-08)
Lighting Designer, Daylight, Solar Diagram, Product Development, Mock-Ups, Operations, Product in Peter Andres Lichtplanung (2010-03 - 2014-12)
Lighting Designer, Technical Support, Luminaire Trading, Customer_Service, Support in Lightbox Int'L (2005-08 - 2010-06)
N Josef Nassif contact information:
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