Nestor Correa email & phone information | Manager, Custom Software Development, Engineering, Software in Cineplex Digital Media (2018-03 - Now)

Nestor Correa
Manager, Custom Software Development, Engineering, Software in Cineplex Digital Media (2018-03 - Now)
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Nestor Correa jobs:
Manager, Custom Software Development, Engineering, Software in Cineplex Digital Media (2018-03 - Now)
Senior Application Developer, Engineering in Cineplex Digital Media (2014-10 - 2018-03)
Senior Developer, Engineering in Nuvango (2009-05 - 2014-08)
Senior Developer, Engineering in Octopz Inc (2006-09 - 2009-05)
Self Employed Freelance Consultant And Instructor For The Computer Graphics Industry, Education, Professor in Vida Studios (1999-01 - 2008)
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Nestor Correa contact information:
3n*****.******@e**.com + 2 more
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