Nestor Lopez Cabanillas email & phone information | Electrofisiã³Logo Intervencionista in Hospital Presidente Perón De Avellaneda (2004 - Now)

Nestor Lopez Cabanillas
Electrofisiã³Logo Intervencionista in Hospital Presidente Perón De Avellaneda (2004 - Now)
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Nestor Lopez Cabanillas jobs:
Electrofisiã³Logo Intervencionista in Hospital Presidente Perón De Avellaneda (2004 - Now)
Executive Comitee Lahrs: Assistant Secretary in Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (2018-11 - Now)
Medical Advisory Board, Health in Ehelthanalytics (2015-05-01 - Now)
Director Del Curso Superior De Arritmias Y Marcapasos in Sociedad Argentina De Cardiología Sac (2016-07 - Now)
Docente Carrera De Especialista En Cardiologã A, Facultad De Ciencias De La Salud Uap in Universidad Adventista Del Plata (2017-08 - Now)
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Nestor Lopez Cabanillas contact information:
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