Nestor Lopez email & phone information | Director De Administracion Y Finanzas in Zara De Venezuela (2015-01 - Now)

Nestor Lopez
Director De Administracion Y Finanzas in Zara De Venezuela (2015-01 - Now)
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Nestor Lopez jobs:
Director De Administracion Y Finanzas in Zara De Venezuela (2015-01 - Now)
Chief Financial Officer, Finance in Deloitte Venezuela
Gerente Planificaciã³N Financiera, Finance in Corporacion Multifranquicias (2013-06-01 - 2015-01)
Consultor Empresarial in Lógico 4576 Consultores Asociados (2011-11 - 2013-05)
Chief Financial Officer, Finance in Sap (2010-11 - 2011-07)
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Nestor Lopez contact information:
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