Nestor Sanchez email & phone information | Contract Engineer, Engineering in Tecnicas Reunidas (2014-10 - 2014-09)

Nestor Sanchez
Contract Engineer, Engineering in Tecnicas Reunidas (2014-10 - 2014-09)
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Nestor Sanchez jobs:
Contract Engineer, Engineering in Tecnicas Reunidas (2014-10 - 2014-09)
Commercial Analyst in Doosan Power Systems (2010-09 - 2013-08)
Contracts Administrator, Legal in Foster Wheeler (2009-04 - 2010-08)
Subcontract Assistant in Foster Wheeler (2008-11 - 2008-12)
Nestor Sanchez contact information:
2n*******@t***************.es + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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