Nuria Arjona email & phone information | Chief Human Resources Officer, Human_Resources in Phibo (2018-08 - Now)

Nuria Arjona (32 years old)
Chief Human Resources Officer, Human_Resources in Phibo (2018-08 - Now)
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Nuria Arjona jobs:
Chief Human Resources Officer, Human_Resources in Phibo (2018-08 - Now)
Human Resources Manager, Human_Resources in Csm Bakery Solutions (2012-01 - 2018-08)
Human Resources Manager Iberian Ls And Global Human Resources Manager For France, Italy, Turkey, Brazil And Dubai Harting Group, Human_Resources in Electrical & Electronic Company (2007-06 - 2011-12)
Human Resources Manager Hesperia Tower, Human_Resources in Hotel Hesperia Tower (2005-03 - 2007-06)
Consultora in Kiven Consultores (2000-10 - 2005-02)
Nuria Arjona locations:
Pa, Pittsburgh, **** Mill Grove Rd
**.******, -**.******
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Nuria Arjona contact information:
3n****.******@c*****************.com + 2 more
3linkedin + 2 more
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