Nuria Gomez email & phone information | Knowledge And Technology Transfer in Icfo (2013-06 - Now)

Nuria Gomez
Knowledge And Technology Transfer in Icfo (2013-06 - Now)
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Nuria Gomez jobs:
Knowledge And Technology Transfer in Icfo (2013-06 - Now)
Supply Chain Management - Responsable Procesos Y Commodity Manager, Operations, Logistics in Asea Brown Boveri (Pvt.) Ltd. (2006-04 - 2013-05)
Secretaria Direcciã³N General in Asea Brown Boveri (Pvt.) Ltd. (1988-04 - 2006-04)
Secretaria Direcciã³N Comercial in Grupo Grifols (1978-04 - 1988-05)
Other profiles
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School Counsellor
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Global Education Leader, Packaging And Specialty Plastic Ts And D, Education in The Dow Chemical Company
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Meetings Management Specialist in Bristol-Myers Squibb
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Learning Improvement And Innovation Facilitator, Operations in North Hertfordshire College
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