Nuria Guasch Ferre email & phone information | Professor, Education, Professor in Escola D'Arquitectura La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull (2013-09 - Now)

Nuria Guasch Ferre
Professor, Education, Professor in Escola D'Arquitectura La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull (2013-09 - Now)
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Nuria Guasch Ferre jobs:
Professor, Education, Professor in Escola D'Arquitectura La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull (2013-09 - Now)
Part-Time Researcher, Education, Researcher in Grup De Recerca Aplicada Al Patrimoni Cultural Uab/Iqs-Url (2005-01-01 - Now)
Visiting Phd Research Student, Education, Researcher in Instituto De Ciencias De La Construcción Eduardo Torroja (2012-04 - 2013-03)
Phd Higher Technician For Investigation in Instituto Universitario De Restauración Del Patrimonio Upv (2010-04 - 2012-03)
Visting Phd Research Student, Education, Researcher in Laboratório Nacional De Engenharia Civil (2011-10 - 2012-02)
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Nuria Guasch Ferre contact information:
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