Nuria Martinez email & phone information | R And D Project Manager, Operations, Project_Management in Zip Solutions, S.L. (2015-03 - Now)

Nuria Martinez
R And D Project Manager, Operations, Project_Management in Zip Solutions, S.L. (2015-03 - Now)
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Nuria Martinez jobs:
R And D Project Manager, Operations, Project_Management in Zip Solutions, S.L. (2015-03 - Now)
R And D Project Manager, Operations, Project_Management in Era Biotech (2013-07 - 2015-02)
Project Leader in Era Biotech (2012-04 - 2013-06)
Senior Researcher, Education, Researcher in Era Biotech (2010-02 - 2012-03)
Lab Technician In R And D Department, Education, Researcher in Medichem, S.A. (2004-07 - 2004-10)
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Nuria Martinez contact information:
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