O Shawn Cupp email & phone information | Professor, Force Sustainment And Management, Education, Professor in Us Army (2015-08 - Now)

O Shawn Cupp
Professor, Force Sustainment And Management, Education, Professor in Us Army (2015-08 - Now)
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O Shawn Cupp jobs:
Professor, Force Sustainment And Management, Education, Professor in Us Army (2015-08 - Now)
Associate Professor, Force Projection And Manuever Sustainment, Education, Professor in Us Army (2008 - Now)
Associate Professor, U.S Army Command And General Staff College, Education, Professor in Kansas State University (2001 - 2015)
Assistant Professor, Force Projection And Maneuver Sustainment, Education, Professor in Us Army (2006-08 - 2008-08)
Assistant Professor, Actve Duty U.S Army Lieutenant Colonel, Education, Professor in Us Army (2002-07 - 2006-08)
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O Shawn Cupp locations:
Leavenworth, Kansas, United States
United States, Florida, Largo
United States, Ohio, Ashville
United States, Florida, Madeira Beach
United States, Kentucky, Lexington
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O Shawn Cupp contact information:
3p*****@y****.com + 2 more
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