Oana Marcu email & phone information | Finance And Accounting Team Leader, Finance, Accounting in Genpact (2013-05 - Now)

Oana Marcu
Finance And Accounting Team Leader, Finance, Accounting in Genpact (2013-05 - Now)
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Oana Marcu jobs:
Finance And Accounting Team Leader, Finance, Accounting in Genpact (2013-05 - Now)
Finance And Accounting Team Leader, Finance, Accounting in Genpact (2013-05-01 - Now)
Security And Compliance Consultant in Dell Technologies (2019-09 - Now)
Sox And Compliance Assistant Manager in Genpact (2015-06 - Now)
Accounts Payable Team Leader, Finance, Accounting in Genpact (2011-04 - 2013-04)
+ 2 more
Oana Marcu contact information:
3o***.********@g******.com + 2 more
5linkedin + 4 more
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