Oanh Nguyen email & phone information | Commerical Operations Coordinator, Operations in Alexachung (2017-11 - Now)

Oanh Nguyen
Commerical Operations Coordinator, Operations in Alexachung (2017-11 - Now)
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Oanh Nguyen jobs:
Commerical Operations Coordinator, Operations in Alexachung (2017-11 - Now)
Sales And Operations Administrator, Sales, Accounts in Kano Computing (2017-08 - 2017-11)
Wholesale Operations Coordinator, Operations in Lazy Oaf (2015-04 - 2017-07)
Shipping Administrator in Lipsy London (2014-01 - 2015-04)
Administrative Assistant in Peter Burrowes Ltd (2012-09 - 2014-01)
+ 2 more
Oanh Nguyen contact information:
2o***@a*********.com + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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