Ozan Tonkal email & phone information | Developer Technology Engineer, Engineering in Computer Engineering Department Middle East Technical University

Ozan Tonkal
Developer Technology Engineer, Engineering in Computer Engineering Department Middle East Technical University
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Ozan Tonkal jobs:
Developer Technology Engineer, Engineering in Computer Engineering Department Middle East Technical University
Developer Technology Engineer - Computer Vision, Engineering in Nvidia (2015-11 - Now)
R And D Vision Algorithms Developer, Engineering in Adasens Automotive Gmbh (2014-01 - 2015-11)
Project: Visualizer For Structure From Motion, Open Source Computer Vision Library in Google Summer Of Code (2013-05 - 2013-09)
Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Intelligent Papers (2011-06 - 2011-12)
+ 2 more
Ozan Tonkal contact information:
3o******@n*****.com + 2 more
4github + 3 more
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