Ozcan Duzbasan email & phone information | Principal Engineer, Engineering in Nyc Department Of Buildings (2018-05 - Now)

Ozcan Duzbasan (61 years old)
Principal Engineer, Engineering in Nyc Department Of Buildings (2018-05 - Now)
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Ozcan Duzbasan jobs:
Principal Engineer, Engineering in Nyc Department Of Buildings (2018-05 - Now)
Intermediate Architect in Beatty Harvey And Associates
Engineer, Engineering in Gace Consulting Engineers Dpc (2013-12 - Now)
Project Engineer At Gace Consulting Engineers Pc, Engineering, Project_Engineering in Gace Consulting Engineers Dpc
Mep Pm in Ny Developers
+ 56 more
Ozcan Duzbasan locations:
United States, New York, Astoria
United States, New York, Rockaway Park
United States, New York, Long Beach
United States, New York, Ridgewood
United States, New York, Long Island City
+ 32 more
Ozcan Duzbasan contact information:
6+12*******78 + 5 more
54b*******.*.***@g****.com + 53 more
65linkedin + 64 more
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