Ozge Canevi email & phone information | Marketing And Public Relations Manager, Marketing in Kanyon

Ozge Canevi
Marketing And Public Relations Manager, Marketing in Kanyon
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Ozge Canevi jobs:
Marketing And Public Relations Manager, Marketing in Kanyon
Communications Director, Human_Resources in Boyner Ran Group - Br Mağazacılık A.Ş. / Beymen Business-Altınyıldiz Classics (2012-10 - 2017-02)
Fashion Blogger in Fashionözge (2010-12 - 2014-04)
Social Media Expert, Media in Adresgezgini (2012-03 - 2012-09)
Fashion Editor, Media, Editorial in Evos Angels (2011-09 - 2012-08)
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Ozge Canevi contact information:
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