Ozgur Aydin email & phone information | Manager in Kendi İŞimde Çalışıyorum

Ozgur Aydin
Manager in Kendi İŞimde Çalışıyorum
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Ozgur Aydin jobs:
Manager in Kendi İŞimde Çalışıyorum
General Manager in Golden Mir Hotel & Spa (2016-11 - 2018-08)
Owner in Gusto Consulting & Project Www.Gusto.Com.Kz (2012-11 - 2018-05)
Owner And Operator, Operations in Coiffure Paris Www.Coiffureparis.Kz (2014-08 - 2017-08)
Catering Project Manager, Operations, Project_Management in Consolidated Contractors International Company (2015-01 - 2017)
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Ozgur Aydin contact information:
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Other profiles
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