Ozgur Turan Aksan email & phone information | Architect Msc Restoration - Sfendone Wall And Hippodrome Of Constantinople in Istanbul Il Özel Idaresi (2016-04 - Now)

Ozgur Turan Aksan
Architect Msc Restoration - Sfendone Wall And Hippodrome Of Constantinople in Istanbul Il Özel Idaresi (2016-04 - Now)
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Ozgur Turan Aksan jobs:
Architect Msc Restoration - Sfendone Wall And Hippodrome Of Constantinople in Istanbul Il Özel Idaresi (2016-04 - Now)
Architect Msc Restoration - Dolmabahã E Palace And Crystal Staircase And Surrounding Area in Grand National Assembly Of Turkey (Turkish Parliament/Tbmm) (2018-07 - Now)
Founder in Artlite Mimarlik (2004-10 - Now)
Senior Project Manager- Turkish Railways Fenerbahã E Public Facilities, Operations, Project_Management in Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryolları (Tcdd) (2017-01 - 2018-08)
Architect Msc Restoration - Mahmud Muhtar Pasha Mansion in Istanbul Il Özel Idaresi (2017-01 - 2017)
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Ozgur Turan Aksan contact information:
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