Oziel Vela email & phone information | Planner in Us Government

Oziel Vela (75 years old)
Planner in Us Government
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Oziel Vela jobs:
Planner in Us Government
Business And Technical Consultant, Operations in Bhp Billiton Diamonds (2010-01 - 2012-07)
Manager Information Systems in Bhp Diamonds Vancouver Canada (1997-08 - 2001-10)
Systems Officer And Commodity Review Team Leader in Bhp Breakthrough Sourcing Project Brisbane Australia (1995-07 - 1997-08)
Manager Of Application Development, Marketing Systems, Marketing in Bhp World Minerals San Francisco Ca (1994-07 - 1995-06)
+ 6 more
Oziel Vela locations:
San Francisco, California, United States
United States, California, Alameda
United States, California, Castro Valley
United States, California, San Lorenzo
United States, California, San Leandro
+ 10 more
Oziel Vela contact information:
6+19*******38 + 5 more
5o*****@a**.com + 4 more
3linkedin + 2 more
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