Ozlem Kaya email & phone information | Corporate Communications Group Coordinator, Human_Resources in Socar Türkiye (2019-11 - Now)

Ozlem Kaya
Corporate Communications Group Coordinator, Human_Resources in Socar Türkiye (2019-11 - Now)
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Ozlem Kaya jobs:
Corporate Communications Group Coordinator, Human_Resources in Socar Türkiye (2019-11 - Now)
Corporate Communications Manager, Human_Resources in Socar Türkiye (2016-04 - Now)
Experience Marketing And Communications Manager, Human_Resources in Turkcell (2012 - 2016)
Loyalty Marketing Lead Manager, Marketing in Turkcell (2007 - 2012)
Corporate Marketing Senior Specialist, Marketing in Turkcell (2005 - 2007)
+ 1 more
Ozlem Kaya contact information:
2o****.****@s****.com.tr + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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