Ozlem Yildirim email & phone information | Operations Associate, Operations in Undp Türkiye (2016-02 - Now)

Ozlem Yildirim
Operations Associate, Operations in Undp Türkiye (2016-02 - Now)
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Ozlem Yildirim jobs:
Operations Associate, Operations in Undp Türkiye (2016-02 - Now)
Regional Bpm Analyst - Global Travel in Diageo (2017-08 - 2018-06)
Operations Associate, Operations in Undp (2016-02 - 2017-02)
Retail Banking Strategic Planning Supervisor, Finance in Linkedpage Takeover (2014-06 - 2016-01)
Strategic Planning Specialist - Chief Financial Officer Area, Finance in Yapı Kredi (2010-06 - 2014-05)
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Ozlem Yildirim contact information:
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