Ozwald Segbefia email & phone information | Event Coordinator, Public_Relations, Events in Iqmenn Epa (2014-11 - Now)

Ozwald Segbefia
Event Coordinator, Public_Relations, Events in Iqmenn Epa (2014-11 - Now)
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Ozwald Segbefia jobs:
Event Coordinator, Public_Relations, Events in Iqmenn Epa (2014-11 - Now)
Wellness Coach, Health, Wellness in Bone Turizm Otelcilik Taahhut Ve Ticaret A.S Antalya Turkey (2019-06 - Now)
Warehouse And Purchasing Officer, Finance, Accounting in Eco Prime Solutions Limited (2013-08 - 2015-10)
Assistant Project Coordinator in Image Consortium Ghana (2012-06 - 2013-07)
Store Clerk-National Service Person in Ghana Armed Forces (2010-10 - 2011-09)
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Ozwald Segbefia contact information:
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