Oğuzhan Terzioğlu email & phone information | Powerplant Engineer, Engineering in Turkish Technic

Oğuzhan Terzioğlu
Powerplant Engineer, Engineering in Turkish Technic
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Oğuzhan Terzioğlu jobs:
Powerplant Engineer, Engineering in Turkish Technic
Vrv Sistemleri Projelendirme Stajyeri in Daikin Türkiye (2019-07 - 2019-09)
Takä M Lideri in Ytu Sigma Aeronautics (2019-01 - 2019-09)
Denetim Kurulu üYesi in Makine Teknolojileri Kulübü (2018-05 - 2019-05)
Yapä Sal Analiz Ve Tasarä M Ekip üYesi in Ytu Aiaa Desing-Build-Fly Team (2018-08 - 2019-04)
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