Pabline Salgado email & phone information | Sales Employee, Sales, Accounts
Pabline Salgado
Sales Employee, Sales, Accounts
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Pabline Salgado jobs:
Sales Employee, Sales, Accounts
Sales Employee - Area Svizzera, Sales, Accounts in Overtel Srl (2014-10 - Now)
Analista Do Sistema De Gestã O Da Qualidade Pleno in Transportadora Americana Ltda (2014-10-01 - 2017-04)
Impiegata And Banconista And Agente Di Viaggio in Delizia (2014-02 - 2014-08)
Supervisora Do Laboratã³Rio in Pax Lubrificantes (2010-06 - 2014-01)
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Pabline Salgado locations:
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Pordenone, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Pabline Salgado contact information:
2p******.*******@t**** + 1 more
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