Pablo Alberto Valdez email & phone information | Maintenance Mechanic Ii, Trades in Ross Stores, Inc. (2015-01 - Now)
Pablo Alberto Valdez (36 years old)
Maintenance Mechanic Ii, Trades in Ross Stores, Inc. (2015-01 - Now)
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Pablo Alberto Valdez jobs:
Maintenance Mechanic Ii, Trades in Ross Stores, Inc. (2015-01 - Now)
Instrumentation Technician in Measurement Instrumentation & Controls (2014-10 - Now)
Electromechanical Systems Technician Ii in Target (2009-10 - 2014-08)
Panel Shop Technician in Esys The Energy Control Company (2009-01 - 2009-06)
Instrumentation And Controls Technician in Tech Comm Services (2008-08 - 2009-01)
+ 1 more
Pablo Alberto Valdez locations:
**.******, -***.*******
United States, California, Bakersfield
**** Rio De Janeiro Ave, Bakersfield Ca *****-****
Ca, Bakersfield, **** Rio De Janeiro Ave
**.******, -***.******
+ 3 more
Pablo Alberto Valdez contact information:
4+16*******15 + 3 more
2f.******@h******.com + 1 more
3facebook + 2 more
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