Pablo Amin email & phone information | Ingenieria De Ventas Sales Representative Iii, Sales, Accounts in Itt Goulds Pumps (2009-01 - Now)
Pablo Amin
Ingenieria De Ventas Sales Representative Iii, Sales, Accounts in Itt Goulds Pumps (2009-01 - Now)
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Pablo Amin jobs:
Ingenieria De Ventas Sales Representative Iii, Sales, Accounts in Itt Goulds Pumps (2009-01 - Now)
Jefe De Costos Y Gastos in Compania Finaciera Arg (2008-02 - 2008-12)
Supervisor De Operaciones, Operations, Logistics in John Crane (2004-01 - 2007-12)
Coordinador De Planeamiento Y Gestiã³N De La Produccion in John Crane (2006-04 - 2007-12)
Coordinador De Costos And Supply Chain Para El Proyecto Minatitlan, Operations, Logistics in John Crane (2005-03 - 2006-02)
+ 2 more
Pablo Amin contact information:
2p********@y**** + 1 more
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