Pablo Bahamonde email & phone information | Responsable Tã Cnico Instalacion Sfv Rã O Gallegos Pyto Iresud in Utn - Facultad Regional Santa Cruz (2015-08 - Now)

Pablo Bahamonde
Responsable Tã Cnico Instalacion Sfv Rã O Gallegos Pyto Iresud in Utn - Facultad Regional Santa Cruz (2015-08 - Now)
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Pablo Bahamonde jobs:
Responsable Tã Cnico Instalacion Sfv Rã O Gallegos Pyto Iresud in Utn - Facultad Regional Santa Cruz (2015-08 - Now)
Vice Decano in Utn - Facultad Regional Santa Cruz (2018-10 - Now)
Subgerente Operativo De Energã As Renovables - Gcba, Operations in Agencia De Protección Ambiental (2019-10 - Now)
Investigador Tecnolã³Gico - Ã Rea Energã As Renovables Y Electrã³Nica De Potencia in Utn - Facultad Regional Santa Cruz (2008-09 - Now)
Profesor Adjunto Ordinario- Electrã³Nica Industrial - Ing Electromecã Nica in Utn - Facultad Regional Santa Cruz (2008-03 - Now)
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