Pablo Barros email & phone information | Geophysicist in Petrobras (2011-08 - Now)

Pablo Barros
Geophysicist in Petrobras (2011-08 - Now)
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Pablo Barros jobs:
Geophysicist in Petrobras (2011-08 - Now)
Phd Student in Departamento De Raios Cósmicos E Cronologia (2004-08 - 2011-08)
Phd Student in Fermi National Laboratory (2006-04 - 2006-09)
Master Student in Departamento De Raios Cósmicos E Cronologia Unicamp (2002-08 - 2004-07)
Undergraduate Student in Instituto De Física Gleb Wataghin Unicamp (1998-02 - 2002-07)
Pablo Barros contact information:
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