Pablo Fernandes email & phone information | Analista De Marketing, Marketing in Rede Globo (2017-04 - 2020-02)

Pablo Fernandes
Analista De Marketing, Marketing in Rede Globo (2017-04 - 2020-02)
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Pablo Fernandes jobs:
Analista De Marketing, Marketing in Rede Globo (2017-04 - 2020-02)
Media Supervisor, Media in Nbs (2016-11 - 2017-01)
Media Supervisor, Media in Almapbbdo (2015-08 - 2016-09)
Professor, Education, Professor in Faculdades Integradas Barros Melo (Aeso) (2017-02 - 2015-07)
Gruponove Comunicação (2006-03-01 - 2015-03-31)
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Pablo Fernandes contact information:
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