Pablo Frezzi email & phone information | Project Manager, Operations, Project_Management in Primeo Energie

Pablo Frezzi
Project Manager, Operations, Project_Management in Primeo Energie
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Pablo Frezzi jobs:
Project Manager, Operations, Project_Management in Primeo Energie
Lead Engineer Electrical Systems, Engineering in Ge (2017-01 - Now)
Electrical System Engineer, Engineering in Alstom Power (2013-05 - 2016-12)
Coordinador Estudios Elã Ctricos in Grupo Electroingeniería (2007-11 - 2013-04)
Jefe De Trabajos Prã Cticos Cã Tedra Generaciã³N Y Transmisiã³N De La Energã A Elã Ctrica in Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Facultad Regional Córdoba (2010-03 - 2013-04)
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Pablo Frezzi contact information:
3p****.******@g*.com + 2 more
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