Pam Coleman email & phone information | It Manager, Engineering, Information_Technology in Oklahoma State University (2001-05 - Now)

Pam Coleman (63 years old)
It Manager, Engineering, Information_Technology in Oklahoma State University (2001-05 - Now)
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Pam Coleman jobs:
It Manager, Engineering, Information_Technology in Oklahoma State University (2001-05 - Now)
Senior Application Developer, Engineering in Oklahoma State University (1996-04 - 2000-03)
Systems Analyst in Oklahoma State University (1994-04 - 1996-03)
Systems Analyst And Programmer, Engineering in Oklahoma State University (1991-07 - 1994-04)
Computer Programmer, Engineering in Oklahoma State University (1987-10 - 1990-07)
+ 2 more
Pam Coleman locations:
**.*******, -**.*******
Ok, Stillwater, ***** Doe Run
Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
***** Doe Run, Stillwater Ok *****-****
Pam Coleman contact information:
3+14*******30 + 2 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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