Pam Jacobson email & phone information | Studio Musician in Sony Studios Warner Brothers Fox Studios Capitol Records (2002-08 - 2017-07)

Pam Jacobson
Studio Musician in Sony Studios Warner Brothers Fox Studios Capitol Records (2002-08 - 2017-07)
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Pam Jacobson jobs:
Studio Musician in Sony Studios Warner Brothers Fox Studios Capitol Records (2002-08 - 2017-07)
Violist in Pacific Symphony (2008-09 - 2017-07)
Jazz Musician in The Peter Sprague Jazz Consort (2007-07 - 2017-06)
Chamber Musician in California Quartet (2010-01 - 2017-01)
Opera in Opera Pacific Pacific Symphony (2002-01 - 2017-01)
+ 1 more
Pam Jacobson locations:
**** Shadeway Rd, Lakewood Ca *****-****
Springfield, Pennsylvania, United States
Pam Jacobson contact information:
2+17*******01 + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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