Pamela Almeida email & phone information | Lawyer, Legal, Lawyer in Mattos Engelberg Advogados (2016-01 - Now)

Pamela Almeida
Lawyer, Legal, Lawyer in Mattos Engelberg Advogados (2016-01 - Now)
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Pamela Almeida jobs:
Lawyer, Legal, Lawyer in Mattos Engelberg Advogados (2016-01 - Now)
Intern in Mattos Engelberg Advogados (2015-08 - 2015-12)
Labor Law Intern, Legal in Sanofi (2013-11-01 - 2015-08)
Labor Law Intern, Legal in Continental (2012-02 - 2013-11)
Bilingual Secretary in Depósito De Meias E Malhas Jacob (2007-02 - 2008-12)
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Pamela Almeida contact information:
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