Pamela Silva email & phone information | Supervisor Quã Mico in Adelbras Industria E Comercio De Adesivos Ltda (2019-06 - Now)

Pamela Silva
Supervisor Quã Mico in Adelbras Industria E Comercio De Adesivos Ltda (2019-06 - Now)
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Pamela Silva jobs:
Supervisor Quã Mico in Adelbras Industria E Comercio De Adesivos Ltda (2019-06 - Now)
Quality Control in Unilever (2017-09 - 2019-06)
Supervisor De Qualidade Em Processo in Grupo Arcor (2012-03 - 2017-02)
Tã Cnico Em Quã Mica in Ambev (2006-07 - 2012-03)
Estagiã Ria De Processo in Ambev (2009-07 - 2009-08)
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Pamela Silva contact information:
3p*****@a****.com + 2 more
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