Peter Horvath email & phone information | Sitecore Architect And Senior Developer+Owner And Acting Manager in Transzpozon (2012-06 - Now)

Peter Horvath
Sitecore Architect And Senior Developer+Owner And Acting Manager in Transzpozon (2012-06 - Now)
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Peter Horvath jobs:
Sitecore Architect And Senior Developer+Owner And Acting Manager in Transzpozon (2012-06 - Now)
Architect, Senior Developer, Engineering in Genertel Biztosító Zrt. (2009-01 - 2012-05)
Senior Developer, Engineering in Carnation (2007-08 - 2008-12)
Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Intellimed Hungary Ltd. (2004-09 - 2007-08)
Peter Horvath contact information:
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