Peter Szigeti email & phone information | Sales Representative Motive Power, Sales, Accounts in Exide Technologies

Peter Szigeti
Sales Representative Motive Power, Sales, Accounts in Exide Technologies
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Peter Szigeti jobs:
Sales Representative Motive Power, Sales, Accounts in Exide Technologies
Butiksansvarig in Royal Meat (2009-05 - 2010-08)
Warehouse Worker in Temp-Team Sverige (2006-06 - 2008-08)
Warehouse Worker in Svenska Mässan (2005-01 - 2006-05)
Peter Szigeti contact information:
2p****.*******@g*.se + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
Other profiles
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Post Production Editor, Media, Editorial in Sony Pictures Entertainment
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Maintenance Engineer, Engineering in Isd Dunaferr Zrt.
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